About Us

The District Science centre was opened to the public on 6th January 1984 with a gallery on "Wealth of Kalaburagi" and a small Science Park. It is functioning under NCSM (Govt. of India) involved in dissemination science through various educational extensional activities in Kalaburagi District and also in the districts of Hyderabad Karnataka area.
Kalaburagi, the headquarters of erstwhile Bahamani Kingdom is now a fascinating place with unparalleled attractions including historic monuments, works of art and cultural contributions. Situated in this land of distinct heritage District Science Centre, Kalaburagi engages itself in dissemination of science through interactive exhibitions & through non-formal method science education. It is a place of recreation in science.
The centre provides a perfect ambiance to explore science through hands-on expositions, Digital Planetarium, 3D theatre, Science Park, Dinosaur Park and galleries with many interactive exhibits. It presents a plethora of facilities to inculcate scientific attitude in society.